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2022 mid-terms: Party agendas

(The Slice News): Voters have 24 hours until decision day in America for the 2022 mid-term election day when the balance of power in state houses and Washington will be determined. Democratic lawmakers have been at the mercy of Republican controlled chambers for years, gaining a fragile majority with the election of Pres. Joe Biden. Republicans are focusing on crime and the economy to shift seats. In the final sprint to the polls both sides have brought out their top guns to pelt for candidates in tight races over a handful of swing states.

While the HATCH Act prohibits civil servants in the executive branch from soliciting votes, the POTUS, VPOTUS and FLOTUS are allowed to represent their party at political events. Over the last week all three have hop-scotched across the country encouraging a blue map to preserve reproductive rights, economic stability, and protections for social security.

Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan has emerged as a template for attracting the middle class voter and running a tight campaign. Going inlection day the odds look favorabel for the senator, but a natonall environment plauqed by election denial no assumptions can be made.

Former Pres. Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Newt Gingrich have all stomped for Republicans in the final stretch with In Virginia this morning, where more Democrats have voted early, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden will campaign with Jennifer Wexton in Ashburn, VA and later join her husband for a Democratic camopaign enevt in Maryland. Wexton's opponent Jun Cao has been cast as an extremist. Abigal We are watching battle ground states to see how the pendulum swings.

The Slice News is here to walk you though what could be one of the most costly political battles in history.

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