SUMMARY: "Let's go Brandon" is code for #FJB or "F*ck Joe Biden." A military vet said this to Pres. Joe Biden on a call that was exposed to families with young children around the world. The president's annual Christmas NORAD call came to an abrupt end when a dad hurled an insult at him Friday. Annually the first family calls military families as they follow Santa's journey using NORAD tracking technology. Just as Santa was crossing over Turkmenistan on his way to the Emirates, a man named Jared Schmeck (an ex-police officer) inserted a disrespectful comment that made the otherwise treasured experience awkward. A White House reporter on the scene documented what happened as follows:
"The first couple spoke with kids by audience. First, a boy named Caleb. They asked what he asked for for Xmas. Legos, he said. FLOTUS: you already have a lotta Lego’s? Yes FLOTUS: what are you building? A city Potus: Gotta be to bed between 9 and 12, otherwise Santa won’t come Caleb’s sister asked for a horse (Biden reminded the ids to be in bed by 9.) Next kids they spoke with are in Oregon. First they talked to the dad. Griffin, age 11, asked for a piano. Another son, Hunter, wants a Nintendo Switch. Another child wants a Barbie. FLOTUS said she still has her Barbie- “now ancient Barbie.” Penelope, age 2: dad said she’d be happy with anything Then their dad, Jared Schmeck said during this live streamed call open to military families around the world, "I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well. Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon. " The 35-year-old Oregon man later said it was a joke during an interview. POTUS did not react to the apparent slight, let it slide right by. "
The president did not seem to recognize that the phrase was code for "f--- Joe Biden," and responded: "Let’s go Brandon, I agree." In fact both he and First Lady Jill Biden chuckled at the comment before the line went silent. The slogan took off among conservative circles after NASCAR driver Brandon Brown misunderstood a chant, telling NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast he thought the crowd was screaming, "Let's Go Brandon!'" He had mis-heard. The crowd was a chanting, "F - Joe Biden.." Schmeck is citing the First Amendment right to free speech to justify his rudeness. He is upset that people on social media called him out for being insensitive. He says he has revied death threats.
The father of four initially told a local paper that he was not a "Trumper" and was a follower of Christ. He appears to have lied. As a guest on Steve Bannon's podcast he admitted that he thinks the election was stolen from former Pres. Donald Trump.