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Biden to Address Voting Rights in Philadelphia and Texas Democrats flee state to protect voting

IT'S A FIGHT AGAINST THE "BIG LIE": The last time Pres. Biden spoke in Philadelphia he was a candidate running for the presidency on the slogan "Fighting for the Souls of Our Nation." Today he return, waging war against the assault on voting rights. Today's speech is his direct effort to protect free and fair elections and ultimately American democracy.

Pres. Joe Biden is taking his fight to protect voting rights to Philadelphia today as criticism of inaction on HR1, the For the People Act on election protection increases among fellow Democrats. Biden is expected to make a moral case to the American people as he addresses the harm Republicans are doing by perpetuating the lie that he did not win the 2021 presidential election legitimately.

Biden's critics, both Civil Rights leaders and fellow Democrats say talking about protecting voting is insufficient. Supporters are are looking for the president to take steps to move the legislation forward. Some of the say he should push the Congress to use a loophole called a carve out to give the bill a change for survival bill will only pass if Senate rules are changed to allow a 51-vote majority on the For the People Act of 2021.soecial used to vote on budgetary measures. This strategy is designed the more the

The nation is heading into mid-term elections next year and both parties are working to create the best situation to shift power in favor of their side. Instead of voting rights expanding, they are being taken away mainly in Republican run states. The Brennan Center for Law and Justice discovered that by May of 2021 over 20 new laws were enacted in various states that make it harder for people to vote.

Meanwhile. in the state of Texas legislators are currently arguing over voting rights in a special session. The majority of House Democratic lawmakers left Texas and came to Washington, DC. In doing this they are denying forum because 2/3 of the participants are needed to move forward with a vote. It is not only retaliatory effort within their state but also they also are sending a clear message to Congress to pass the For the People Act as stated in s presser. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he will continue to call special sessions up until next year and says when they return to Texas they will be arrested for abandoning their job duties.

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