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Bipartisan bill on gun violence passes in Senate; Biden's statement

Writer's picture: Mona King AustinMona King Austin

Late Thursday night the Senate passed the "Protecting Our Community Act" the most significant effort on control in 30 years. The legislation passed by a vote of 65 to 33. The bill was drawn up in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX in May. The bill was a compromise that does not include everything democrats wanted. The three main areas the legislation addresses are:

- To incentivize states to pass red flag laws

- To expand background checks for 18- to 21-year-olds

- To provide funding for school safety and mental health

Friday marks one month since the Uvalde shooting. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill once it isbpproved in the House.

The president responded in the following sttement:

Statement by President Biden on the Senate Passage of Bipartisan Gun Legislation

Tonight, after 28 years of inaction, bipartisan members of Congress came together to heed the call of families across the country and passed legislation to address the scourge of gun violence in our communities. Families in Uvalde and Buffalo - and too many tragic shootings before - have demanded action. And tonight, we acted.

This bipartisan legislation will help protect Americans. Kids in schools and communities will be safer because of it. The House of Representatives should promptly vote on this bipartisan bill and send it to my desk.

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