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Colorado clinic cancels Candace Owens' COVID-19 test

SUMMARY: Remember those warnings about being careful what you post on social media because you never know who is watching? Candace Owens, Conservative political pundit can attest this is true. She had been kicked off of Twitter and allowed back on only to continue stirring the pot of controversy with her millions of social media followers. Seemingly she is back up to making the Coronavirus a political issue instead of respecting the science. A Colorado medical professional who is familiar with her antics pushed back on Owens by denying her a COVID-19 test.

(The Slice): A private Colorado medical clinic cancelled Coronavirus test appointment for Candace Owens. The Republican show host posted a screenshot of a reply from the Aspen facility informing her that her appointment was canceled, citing her politicizing the Coronavirus, discouraging mask wearing and spreading misinformation as the reason. Owens showed the screenshot on her Twitter feed. She tried to defend herself against the trending criticidsm over her hypocrisy calling the left "inbicles" for "mandating" vaccines and then and rejoicing when she was not allowed to get tested. On Sept. 2 she tweeted, "Holy crap!! I just received an e-mail from a Covid testing facility that they are REFUSING to administer a test to me because they don’t like my politics.

INSANE. I’m banned from making sure I don’t accidentally spread Covid? Going live with the e-mail on Instagram in 10 mins!"

One responder called Owens out for being a politcal agitator. Brenda Holiday sirectly posted to Ownes,

"GOOD. **YOU*** MADE IT POLITICAL. In every other country, it's about SCIENCE. I wish hospitals could refuse you, too. Covid-deniers should be forced to stay home when you get sick without any care. You did it to yourself when you could have prevented it, all for your own agenda."

Owens read the email response from Suzanna Lee, a co-founder at Aspen Laboratories in Colorado, to her 2.9 millions followers on Instagram. Lee spoke of working to protect the community only to have the likes of Owens speak out against vaccinations.

Lee has been applauded for denying her the test. In her sarcastic response Candace said Lee's message was and entertaining laughable and "nothing screams I love my community" like refusing to test people who are going to a local event, inplying that she was trying to be responsible before engaging in a large gathering, which the CDC recommentds. She suggested that the Repblican agitator use the only other option in town, a free clinic. Ms. Owens is not exactly known for follwoing CDC Coronavirus guidelines.

Owens' tag line on Twitter desribes her as "uncancellable." After this, she might need to change it.


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