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Con. Eleanor Holmes Norton revisits retirement benefits issue for DC workers

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton poses for a phot in the White House Rose Garden on August 5, 2021.
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) attended a White House Rose Garden ceremony today where Pres. Biden signed a bill awarding congressional gold medals to USCP and members of the DC Police Department for protecting the U.S. Capitol during the violent riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Holmes leads the effort for DC statehood.

Congresswoman Eleanor Homes Norton has always looked out for the people in her district. Recently, she reintroduced the bill to revitalize retirement benefits for workers in DC. Under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) there were benefits for federal workers. However, those workers’ service from 1987 to 1997 was not counted for purposes of creditable service or annuity amount in FERS. In 2009, an enacted Norton bill gave these employees the right to have that service counted for creditable service. Norton’s new bill would allow those workers to buy into the FERS annuity amount for 1987 to 1997 by paying 1.3% of their base pay plus interest, essentially the employee contribution for that time.

“When receiving their retirement benefits, these workers should be able to have all of their service recognized and counted in determining the amount of annuity they receive,” Norton said.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPD) that handles federal employees, indicated on its web site that it only deducted retirement benefits under certain conditions for civilian employees serving in federal positions before 1989. An exception is made for people serving abroad (such as in the Peace Corp), those who worked in the Democrat or Republican party before 1991 or in those in senior leadership. The criteria is listed here.

Holmes said, “This bill will ensure that they have the full benefits they deserve and are entitled to in return for the invaluable public service they have provided for our community.”

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