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Democracrats gain favor on abortion rights, leveraging 'Day of Action' on Women's Eqaulity Day

Writer's picture: Mona King AustinMona King Austin

By Mona Austin

(The Slice): Today is Women's Eqaulity Day on the calander wihch the White House and democratic lawmakers on The Hill are usin to recognize the impact of the Dobbs abortion decision two months ago and the work that is being done to protect abortion rights by observing a "Day of Action on Reproductive Rights".

Americans overwhelmingly say abortion should be legal. According to Pew Reasearch polling, only 8 percent of adults say abortion should be against the law in all cases, with no exception. Democrats have been effective in changing the tone of the narrative from being about killing babies to saving the lives of mothers-to-be. That message is reaching political leaders, voters and even corporations. The Walmart company recently extended in its benefits package to include abortion coverage and family planning.

Pro-choice politicians are doing what the U.S. Supreme Court forced them to do when it transferred power to the states in the June 2022 decision -- find ways to manage the issue without federal input. The White House highlighted some of the promising actions that have taken place since the fall of Roe in a press memo:

Delaware Chief Deputy Attorney General Alexander Mackler: On August 10, the Delaware Department of Justice announced a legal helpline for individuals and providers seeking legal advice on reproductive health care. In January, Attorney General Jennings sued to block the town of Seaford from requiring an abortion clinic to hold burials for fetal remains at patients’ expense.

Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore, MD: On June 24, Mayor Scott announced that the City of Baltimore would provide $300,000 in grants to organizations that offer abortion and family planning services.

Mayor Elaine O’Neal, Durham, NC: On March 7, the City of Durham passed a Reproductive Freedom resolution, committing Durham to upholding the values of reproductive freedom in its policies, ordinances, and procedures, and to being a safe zone for sexual and reproductive health care.

Mayor Shawyn Patterson Howard, Mount Vernon, NY: As Vice President of the African American Mayors Association, Mayor ShawynPatterson Howard spoke out powerfully when the Supreme Court released its decision overturning Roe v. Wade. The Mayor has shared her own reproductive health care story – she lost a child in birth and experienced health challenges giving birth to another child.

County Judge Lina Hidalgo, TX: On June 28, Harris County leaders passed three measures in support of women’s access to abortion and contraception. One measure directs county departments to find ways to protect and expand access to affordable and no-cost contraception, sexual education, family planning, and other programs including "access to safe abortions where possible under the law." A second measure provides for the county to lobby the state legislature to mitigate the effects of a near-total abortion ban in Texas, and the third item was a symbolic resolution to condemn the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Judge Hidalgo cast the deciding vote in favor of all three items.

State Senate Minority Leader Dinah Sykes, KS: On August 2, Kansas voters resoundingly rejected the No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment, which would have removed protections for the right to abortion under the state constitution and opened the door to a statewide abortion ban.

Figire 1: Voters favor Democrats to address abortion issues

These actions are a targeted build up for the 2022 mid-term elections but will they work? In Kansas, a red state, there was a resounding "yes" to abortion rights during its primaries, releasing the GOP's grip off conservatives. Using this response as leverage, Pres. Joe Biden's party can aappeal to more progressive Repblicans and giving tem a cance at winning the abortion battle which is at the center of mid-term election politics.

Even though there is clear traction with voters prioritizing abortion rights, on the flip side. pro-choice advocates have their wor cut out for them. Jjust this week 3 states implemented trigger laws to make abortions illegal -- Tennessee. Olaoma and te red-state influencer, Texas. In Tennessee doctors can perfom abortions in extrme emgerencies but tere is no exception for rape or incest. In Oklahoma abortions are banned except in emergency cases. Doctors in Texas who perform abortions can be charged with a first degree felony in an update to the law there wit a penalty of no less tan $100k.

Pres. Biden will attend a meeting on Friday with te above mentioned elected officials.

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