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ELECTION DAY 2021: Virginians face power shifting governor's race

Writer's picture: Mona King AustinMona King Austin

Over 1 million Virginians already voted in the early voting period relfecting strong voter turn-out statewide in a governor's race that could flip Old Dominiant bac to Republican dominance.

However, in Prince William County, only 20% of residents turned out for early voting.

Turn out is a key factor in election outcomes and especially in the nail-bittingly close contest between gubernatorial candidates Terry McAuliffe (D) age 64 and Greg Youngkin (R) age 54.

In Vriginia higher turn-out tends to favor Republicans. The ground game optics would seem to show the Republican has strngly canvassed the area as red Youngkin yard signs appear to be more widespread throghout Prince WIlliamd County. But yard signs are not a formal indicator of voting potential. Democrats, whoc currently control the state house, have bee accused of being complacent during the campaign.

Various polls indicate Youngkin is neck-to-neck with McAuliffe who leads by 1 point with a margin of error of 3.5%.

Unlike candidates in other states, these men have nationalized their campaigns, both connecting to presidents in their own regard. In 2020 presidential race, when turnout in Virginia topped 75%, President Joe Biden (D) won the state by more than 10 percentage points while also taking Prince William County by 29 points, 64% to 35%.

Loudon Country, the fourth largest in the state carrying one-third of the vote, is favored to go to Republican businessman Glen Youngkin. Deomocratic dominant Prince William County is expected to go to former governor Terry McAuliffe.

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