At the end of her vacation with the POTUS, First Lady Jill Biden has tested postive for COVID-19. Doubly vaxxed and boosted, she began to present cold-like symptoms toward the end of their trip to Kiawah Island near South Carolinsa's coast, initially testing negative on a routine daily test. A spokesperson for Mrs. Biden said, "The First Lady...is only experiencing mild symptoms. She has been prescribed a course of Paxlovid and, following CDC guidance, will isolate from others for at least five days."
While President Joe Biden returns to Washington to sign the Inflation Reduction Act Tuesday, Dr. Biden will remain in South Carolina to recover.
The president took a rapid results test on Tuesday, wihch was negative White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted.
When Mr. Biden left Charleston reporters asked,"How is the First Lady?," he replied with a thumbs up.
It is not clear where First Lady Biden got the virus -- wet from the president when he had a repeate case of it two weeks ago -- or from er frequent travel.