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Food scarcity is on the rise before the holidays. How to prepare.

Thanksgiving is coming and many people are worried about not having turkey and cranberry sauce on the dinner table due to the food scarcity ordeal in America. The supply chain challenges the nation is dealing with go beyond lacking traditional favorites for a holiday meal. The nation is potentially facing a crisis brought on by slow downs in international supply chains.

When the Coronavirus first hit 18 months ago everyone considered the hypothetical scenario of the world shutting down, hindering the availability of food and daily essentials. Then, panic buying and hoarding from people taking advantage of the situation left stores nearly bare in the early stages of the pandemic. Now, store managers, like consumers, are stressing over backed up shipments that have kept staple items off shelves dir longer periods if time.

Popyuar East Coast grocer Wegman's is limiting purchases.

In a recent trip to a Walmart, I noticed vanished chicken and sugar while over-hearing others talking about similar shortages. Walmart US CEO John Furner also noted concern for "jelly, bacon, and breakfast food" shortages. Furner said he is qlso "nervous" about spices and stuffing and urged shoppers to pick up those items early.

"Our teams have quickly adjusted to changes in consumer demand, like the surge we saw this spring and the rapid shift to contactless shopping options we experienced throughout the summer and fall," a rep for Target told Yahoo! News.

"To ensure as many guests as possible can find the items they need, we’ve taken measures such as: coordinating stores, distribution centers and suppliers so that the things our guests need most—cleaning supplies, food, over-the-counter medicine and baby products—are fast-tracked through the supply chain and prioritized for re-stocking; sending more inventory to stores than ever before to ensure Target has the most in-demand items this holiday season; and placing limits on products like toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, flushable wipes, hand and face wipes, multi-purpose spray cleaner, gloves and more. We’ll adjust limits as needed, and respectfully ask all guests to consider their immediate needs and purchase accordingly, so more families can find the products they need."

We are seeing the affects of the pandemic with food shortages all over the country from restaurants to school cafeterias.

As a personal point of reference, high schooler contacted me during lunch time pleading with me to bring her something to eat. "I have dealt with this for over a month," she griped, "But today I can't." She was hungry. They were served chicken nuggets with chips and cheese and a side of peaches. She noted that this was a mix-matched menu and it was becoming normal enough that teachers are explaining how the trickled over to the individual.

The latest example in the broader story points to the root cause of food shortages. In California, ship workers are under-staffed and items are not being unloaded fast enough. This is causing a kink of enormous waste and financial loss.

Common sense things you can do

1. Stock up on non-perishables.

2. Shop at local farmers markets.

3. Do not panic, plan. Think ahead for the holidays and try not to waste food by planning your meals with adequate portions.

4. Shop early for holiday or seasonal items.



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