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IT'S OFFICIAL: Jen Psaki to join MSNBC

(The Slice): The speculation about former press secretary Jen Psaki's next career moves is over. Her departure from the White House will be a short ood-bye.

It has been confirmed that Pres. Joe Biden's first spokeswoman will be jonining the MSNBC streaming service MSNBC said on Tuesday.

Psaki will host a new program in early of 2023. She will also contribute as a political analyst and commentator on MSNBC’s cable network. This fall she will appear during MSNBC’s prime-time special election programming throughout the midterms and later for the 2024 presidential election.

NBC President Rashida Jones said in a statement that Psaki's “extensive experience in government and on the campaign trail and perspective as a White House and Washington insider is the type of analysis that sets MSNBC apart. She’s a familiar face and trusted authority to MSNBC viewers, and we look forward to her insight during this consequential election season."

Psaki has previously had experience as a communications director in the Obama administration and a spokeswoman for the State Department.

Psaki stated about the career move, “My time in government, from the White House to the State Department, and years before that on national political campaigns will fuel the insight and perspective I bring to this next chapter. I can’t wait to create a space on streaming where we break down the facts, get to the bottom of what’s driving the issues and hopefully have some fun along the way.”

The new television position “will bring together her unique perspective from behind the podium—and her deep experience in the highest levels of government and presidential politics to MSNBC viewers,” the network said.

Psaki departed the White House on May 13 after 16 months of service to the 46th president.

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