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Updated: Apr 9, 2022

SUMMARY: "The nomination is confirmed," Vice President Kamala Harris declared. With these words Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson became the first Black woman to become an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. History was doubly made as Harris also Black and the first woman Vice President presided over the confirmation proceeding in her dual role as president of the Senate.

On Thursday, April 7 the Senate voted to confirm a nominee of Pres. Joe Biden, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Jackson is the first Black woman SCOTUS in American history. In a vote of 53 to 47, three Republicans joined every Democrat in voting favorably -- Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah. Jackson, the 116th SCOTUS justice is only the third Black person to ascend to the seat, following the first, Thurgood Marshall and the second, Clarence Thomas. She endured a strenuous process involving an official 2500 questions in the hearing and visiting 97 lawmakers.

Justice Jackson watched the count that was presided over by Vice President Kamala Harris alongside Pres. Biden at the White House. Several members of the GOP walked out of the Senate Chamber when Harris called the confirmation. By a final vote of 53 to 47 Jackson becomes the first Black woman to be elevated to prestigious bench. The judge will replace Justice Stephen Breyer, who will retire at the end of the summer session. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in his

opening statement before the vote, "This is one of the great moments in American history."

"We've taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America," President Joe Biden said in an Instagram post announcing Jackson's confirmation.

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