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Leaked CDC document reveals depth of the dangerous Delta Variant


READ the document here.

(The Slice): Over night, a leaked document from the CDC explains in part, why the new mask mandate that the agency rolled out this week was required, but first the back story. . .

The CDC recommending indoor masking for vaccinated people has resulted in confusion for many Americans. Further, telling people who have already been infected with Coronavirus to get vaccinated has come into question, causing the agency to be criticized for poor messaging. With regard to immunity, "Antibodies build up in your system to protect you from a recurrence," medical experts once said. Then they vacillated on recommendations for getting a booster shot six months after the second dose. Inconsistency in the messaging was undoubtedly confusing. Given the back-and-forth from the leading health authorities on the Coronavirus, it is unsurprising that vaccine hesitancy is a key problem that has made it difficult to defeat the pandemic.

The document warned that "the war has changed." It said that the Delta variant can spread as easily as Chickenpox and we all know that is fast and could easily spread wildly in a community. This internal CDC document leak should dispel any confusion as to why masks (even if temporarily) and shots are essential for all.

The agency has been challenged with warning the public of how aggressive the Delta variant is in the face of vaccine hesitancy. Uncertainty or fear of the unknown is one of the reasons, but some of the hesitancy comes from people not being comfortable taking a shot that is not fully approved by the FDA. The Slice has learned more about this. A physician stated the vaccines have not been approved because the scientists are still in the "trial and error" phase and are trying to get a better understanding of an ever-changing virus. Moreover, for any final FDA approved drug or vaccine takes well over a year due to the reliance on science. She added that the emergency use was given because the research and testing that was done was sufficient and expressed confidence that all three of the vaccines in use right now are indeed safe.

The reality is that no vaccine is 100% effective in warding off the deadly Delta. That much we already knew. What we did not know prior this these revealing documents is that fully vaccinated people may spread the Delta variant. Vaccinated people can have the same viral load as unvaccinated people. The document made it clear that the Delta strain is more severe and could be more deadly. The daily average of new cases is over 60,000 and are increasingly from the Delta variant.

Along with this harsh reality comes a sobering truth, based on the clinical trials and the millions of Americans who have not died from the shot -- that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing severe disease and death the document said.

On the CDC's credibility in messaging. . .

Communicating bad news to the masses is not easy. For months that has been the job of the CDC. Most recently with the arrival of of a monstrous form of the Coronavirus known, as the Delta variant, health officials have tried to The CDC has been hammered all week for bad messaging. The agency makes it clear that the Delta variant is more contagious than any other known strand of the virus. In the spirit of keeping messages plain and simple, this is what you need to know about the Coronavirus from the CDC:

- People who have had Coronavirus should still get vaccinated.

- Wear a mask even if you have been fully vaccinated.

- Practice social distancing in large gatherings.

- Vaccines will reduce hospitalizations and death if you get any currently known form of the Coronavirus.

The CDC's over arching message has not changed _Get vaccinated.

It could save your life. This is why this is being called the "pandemic of the unvaccinated." This new data plainly shows that unvaccinated people make up 99% of the new rising cases. There are over 620,000 people in the U.S. who have died from the Coronavirus to date.

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