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LSU's Angel Reese does not accept FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden's "apology;" "We'll see the Obama's"

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By Mona Austin

(TSN): Star LSU forward Angel Reese is shedding more light on why she does not accept First Lady Jill Biden's idea to invite the losing NCAA team Iowa to the White House. But she was insulted enough to reject the invitation that they earned: “WE NOT COMING. period,” she tweeted, even thouhg the head coach Kim Mulkey previouslyu stated the team would accept the invitation if they won.

Reese said during an appearance on the "I Am Athlete" podcast, "You can't go back on certain things that you say. You felt that they should have came because of 'sportsmanship,' right? (Iowa) can have that spotlight; we'll go to the Obamas. We'll see Michelle. We'll see Barack."

Apparently, FLOTUS wanted to meet the team in their locker room before the game but they refused because they were not listed on President Joe Biden's bracket to advance in the tournament.

"We said we didn't want her coming to the locker room," she offered.

Valadivia wrote:

"She said "a lot of phone calls" were made prompting a response from the White House. However, Dr. BIden did not issue a formal statement herself. Her press secretary Vanessa Validavia attempted to clarify her boss's intent saying in a tweet the FLOTUS was applauding all women athletes and looks forward to seeing the NCAA champs at the White House."


"Her comments in Colorado were intended to applaud the historic game and all women athletes. She looks forward to celebrating the LSU Tigers on their championship win at the White House."

"The First Lady loved watching the NCAA women's basketball championship game alongside young student athletes and admires how far women have advanced in sports since the passing of Title IX."

While in Colorado Dr. Biden suggested a dual invitation for both teams to visit the White House because of Iowa's display of good sportsmanship.

The backlash online was swift.

A poster replying to Validivia commented: "She's going to have to clean this up herself. I'm a supporter, but what she said was wrong and very tone deaf. Let's this try again."

The head coach of Iowa lisa Bluder also chimed in saying that the honor to vist the White hosue solely belongs to their winning opponent. "I gratefully acknowledge the First Lady’s sentiments, but a day at the White House should belong solely to the champion, LSU and Coach Mulkey. We would welcome the First Lady and President to come to Iowa’s “House” – Carver Hawkeye Arena — any time!"

Resse tweeted that the Frist lady's suggestion to have Iowa visit the White house was a "joke."


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