It may be a long journey to a new Speaker of the U.S. House. Here is The Slice's briefing on the process...
(The Slice): We do not have a Speaker of the House for the 118th Congress -- or technically official representatives. This happens when the nominee, in this case California Republican, Kevin McCarthy, does not secure the majority of votes to become the Speaker.
On Tuesday re-elected and newly elected politicians brought their families to the Capitol expecting to be sworn in and had parties to celebrate. But they left without official photos or titles. Unless and until the speaker is named, elected officials can not be sworn in.
After four roll call vote attempts on Tuesday, McCarthy did not have the votes. Republicans (14) over two internal caucuses are divided on supporting him. He says they are mainly individuals who want to lead committees and he won't play the game.
Since the Constitution does not specify the number of attempts this delay could go on indefinitely.
On Wednesday morning before he departed the White House, Reporters asked Pres. Joe Biden about his reaction to the qaudry. The hold up in Congress is an "embarrassment" as the rest of the world looks on but he says the lawmaker's conduct is "not my problem." Reporters pressed him more on the issue. "It's the first time in 100 years. It's not a good look. Thus is not a good thing. They need to get their act together. This is the United States of America," he added.
An expedited process is being thwarted by a faction of Republicans who could in turn make trouble for the speaker when it comes voting on legislation. House Republicans are the majority party, but this situation reveals they are not United. The conduct of a caucus often reflects the politics of the times. Republicans have had an ironclad show of strength over the past two president's. Current frayed relations have across-the-board implications for how the party will govern for the next two years.
Cheryl Johnson of Lousiana, the clerk of the House, will be in charge until there is a new speaker and thereafter the new Congress will be sworn in.
A New Orleans native, Johnson is a graduate of the senior management program at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. She usually has one main job in this moment --- to certify the electors after the vote. While there is a Iag in the process, her responsibility is to preside over the chamber.
The last time there was a delay in confirming the Speaker of the House was in 1923. The vote "paralyzed" the chamber as the Washington Post puts it, nine times before a decision was made. The Post explained: "...the House Republicans’ minority Progressive Caucus refused to back the incumbent Republican speaker until he conceded to certain demands, including a seat for the caucus on the House Rules Committee. It was the last time multiple roll calls were necessary to choose a speaker."
This is precisely the type of scenario McCarthy says he is facing. Getting a final vote could take days or longer.
There is another way to move the process along: select another nominee. The Constitution does not require a speaker to be a member of Congress. Republicans had toyed around with the thought of bringing former president Donald Trump back into political play as House Sepaker but his bid for election.