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Updated: Aug 11, 2021

(THE SLICE): The mood is somber as the coalish sun beams down on the heads of guests and journos gathered in the White House Rose Garden to honor the sacrifices of the brave policemen who "saved Democracy" on Jan. 6.

Two days before this, Molly Ball of TIme Magazine profiled one of the surviving officers -- Mike Fanone. It was Fanone's testimony and body cam footage that would make a believer out of mainly conservative skeptics who minimized the insurrection. The event was spurred by Former Pres. Donald Trump challenging the results of the 2020 election, perpetuating the lie that he had won by a landslide. Against the consternataiton of most of the nation, Trump called the participants mostly "good people" ignoring the death and destruction that took place.

Speaker Nancy Peoloi House bill authored by HR 3325 and Sen. AMy Klobuchar had led a similar effort in the Senate that passed on Aug. 3 to honor them. In February the Senate proposed awarded a gold medal Officer Eugene Goodwin, who diverted the crowd inside the Capitol. It was almost 8 months later before the Rose Garden recognition was executed. Last month Ball's write up essentially called them out for the delay. But more important than that, she told PTSD-suffering Fanone's story. She wrote, "People were hungry for heroes, hungry for a sliver of humanity in the ugliness and violence. Here was the brave cop who rushed into danger and put his life on the line for his country. He was embarrassed by the attention, but it also seemed right on some level, like America agreed that what happened at the Capitol was an attack on all of us, like we were coming together to denounce the bad guys and lift up the good."

Biden's sentiment likened their bravery to every day heroes who displayed protective instincts to save their follow man. He said, "

The event had a heavy, funeral like atmosphere as the White House band slowly played "Amazing Grace" in the background. The tone was befitting of a memorial service. There had not been a public collective service held for the victims and today seemed to be a form of mournful release for those affected the most. Fanoe was there taking photos with leaders. When he got to an officer he buried his face on his shoulder and left it there appearing to sob. The pain is still just beneath the surface for him and the nation. That is why Pres. Joe Biden said we have to get to the unvarnished truth about what happened that day, referring to Jan. 6 committee currently investigating the riot.

There were 15 hospitalized in addition to the officers who perished. They are being honored posthumolously. Some of their family members were in attendance. Biden recognized it is a bittersweet moment and offered prayers to them. After remarks he signed the bill into law.

This ceremony was necessary not just for the dead, but for the living. The suicide count of officers involved in the insurrection is up to 4. The surviving officers who are still being haunted by the rush of violence that day want to know their fight was worth something and to be respected.

The bill is a ceremonious gesture. None of the officers were given medals to wear at the time. Medals will be displayed in the Capitol and in museums as a reminder if their bravery and sacrifice. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Amy Klouchar, Eleanor Holmes Norton and DC Mayor were among the guests.

Those struggling to cope with the events of Jan. 6 are encouraged to get help Read Molly Ball's article here:

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