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Pres. Biden speaks to Putin as Russia's military operations around Ukraine are questioned

A secure video call between Pres. Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladmir Putin was set to take place as Russia's intentions toward a Ukranian take over are questioned by the European Union and the United States. Some 70,000 Russian troops have moved near the border of Ukraine, raising concerns that Russia is postured for military action, although Putin denies it. How the U.S. will respond in the event of an invasion is under consideration as tensions rise in the region.

In their conversation today, Biden is expected to warn Putin of major economic consequences to ward off any intentions to attack Ukraine.

Sec. of State Anthony Bliken who spoke to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Monday. "We must and we will prepare for all contingencies," Bliken said

In preparation for the Putin Tet-a-tete, Biden spoke to European allies jointly to ensure continued diplomacy. He addressed "their shared concern about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders and Russia's increasingly harsh rhetoric," the White House detailed in a statement. French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson were all on the call, standing in solidarity with Pres. Biden to de-escalate Russian aggression.

But blocking pending military conflict is not the sole focus of Pres. Biden's agenda for the call a Senior Administration said on Monday. The call will cover a bevy of foreign policy related concerns he explained:

"The call will not be confined to this subject matter because there are other topics that are critical to America's national security, including the continuing challenge in cyberspace, including the need to make progress on fundamental questions of strategic stability in the nuclear and space domains, and our concerns about the advances that Iran is making with its nuclear program and the threat that those pose to regional peace and security, as well as international peace and security. "

However, the White House official made it clear that the U.S. will be poised to act by imposing targeted sanctions against Russia if necessary, hoping this level of strong intervention will be enough.

"We believe that there is a way forward here that will allow us to send a clear message to Russia that there will be genuine and meaningful and enduring costs to choosing to go forward, should they choose to go forward, with a military escalation in Ukraine," the official offered.

UPDATED 12/8/21

The two leaders spoke for around 2 hours. The White House confirned that Pres. Biden was firm about taking economic an other action against Russia is there is an escalation against Ukraine in a vide call that took place in the Situation Room.


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