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Red wave of victory in Virginia elections; Trump takes credit

There were many strong Republican returns in election nightin Virginia.

The biggest upset on Tuesday night was not the Houston Astro's 7-0 loss to the Atlanta Braces in the world series. It was the victory of a politically inexperienced Republican businessman Glen Youngkin over former governor Terry McAuliffe, 50.8 to 48.6.

Winsome Spears, theBlack Repulican running for Lt. Governor also won against Haya Ayala.

Youngkin rallied the support of voters frustrated with how the pandemic has slowed down their lives and a range of issues in Vriginia education. Running a locally focused race, he hit issues that resonated with people

He shied away from former Pres. Donald Trump to prove that he was his own man. However, Trump endorsed Youngkin, telling his suporters to vote for him. In fact he claimed that were it not for his MAGA base coming out in force Youngkin would not have won.

The national failures of the Biden Administration resulted in a devastting defeat for McAuliffe, the former Virginia governor who led the state to the econimic prosperity it now enjoys. Biden had spoken at two of McAuliffes campaign rallies with a suffering approval rating. McAuliffe targeted abortion and voting rights, key national issues.

Republicans seem to want change:Trump was not a politician. Youngkin is not a politician.Trump was a businessman. Youngkin was a businessman.

McAuliffe was a career poltician seeking a second term as governor. Biden is a career politician in the White House for a second time. with less than satisfactory performance on a swath of issues.

The Commonwealth is red at the top level of leaership for the frist time in 12 years.

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