This story is developing...No official statements have been made on behalf of the Smiley family as of press time...
(The Slice): Since comedian and radio show host Rickey Sniley announced the death of his 32-year-old son Brandon on Sunday morning the details about what happened have not been provided. While in his hometown of Birmingham, AL whre Brandon passed away, the elder Smiley has been posting memories about his first born child from his youth to his adult baptism last November throughout the day. As condolences showered his timeline, he spoke about the pain of grief saying it is hard to bear in a video he posted Monday adding he feels worse today than yesterday. "Today reality is setting in and I can feel.it," he stated. As the initial shock began to wear off Smiley realized he can relate to parents whose children preceded them in death. However, he did not offer any details whatsoever about how his son died.
Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin expressed his condolences to the Smiley family on Twitter:
“I’m devastated to hear that my friend @RickeySmiley has lost his son Brandon. Rickey has given so much to our city; this is the time when we need to give back to him. Join me in wrapping our arms around him & his family during this difficult time. We’re praying for you, Rickey.”
Public figures normally release a written statement acknowledging death. Smiley said when he made the announcement that he wanted his fans to hear the news directly from him. "I just want everyone to pray for me and our family. My son Brandon Smiley has passed away this morning,” he said. (We do not know if he made this statement in lieu of the traditional written statement.) Mr. Smiley also said the reality is setting in after the iital shock is wearing off and that he never expected to relate to parents whose children preceded them in death.
With a full 24 hours passing without any explanation about the cause of death, it has left the door open for fans to speculate and seek answers on their own.
An alleged final video of Brandon may hold clues, some say. . .
Allegedly, 25 minutes before he passed Brandon attempted to clear up rumors about his friend Roland died and clear up his father's name in connection to Roland's death. The elder Smley ranted about an issue with a family member Weekes ago and although he did not mention a name, Brandon said it was Roland.
Skeptics hace deduced that the Smiley family is hiding something and taking time to craft a story that is presentable to the public.
Brandon leaves behind a 3-year-old daughter, his parents and siblings.