British Vogue has released its February cover featuring all African Super models. In the stunning photo mostly all of the women appear to be wearing wigs with relaxed or straightened hair. African American women, through the Crown Act, have fought for full acceptance of natural h
air, which is connected to accepting African lineage. Among the 9 models are the women who have walked the runway for the top luxury brands from Louis Vuitton to Balenciaga :Adut Akech, Amar Akway, Majesty Amare, Akon Changkou, Maty Fall, Janet Jumbo, Abény Nhial, Nyagua Ruea and Anok Yai. They are from Ethiopian, Nigerian, Rwandan, Senegalese and South Sudan where skin can be highly pigmented and hair is textured.
On top of complaints about their hair, critics are claiming the photos were doctored to make the models look darker. Both the exaggerated hair styles and lighting affects are common in high fashion photo shoots. Is the criticism fair or does it reveal the color complexities many Blacks and minorities around the globe have about darker skin being inferior?