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Texas death row inmate plucks eyes out, delaying his execution while his attorney tries to block it

By Mona Austin

(TSN): A Texas judge delayed the execution of a mentally ill man after he gouged out his own eyes as his attorney moves for a motion to cancel it. In two separate incidents Andre Thomas, 39, who was described as severely mentally ill, mutilated himself and removed each eye and ate one of them so that the government would not "hear his thoughts." State District Judge Jim Fallon withdrew the order for next month' execution

His attorney said in a statement that he is also incompetent and the death penalty should be evaded. Mental illness itself dies not restricted the death penalty. Capitol punishment proceedings are currently stalled pending review of competency.

According to the Associated Press, the Supreme Court has ruled that a person must be competent to be executed.

“We are confident that when we present the evidence of Mr. Thomas’s incompetence, the court will agree that executing him would violate the Constitution,” Maurie Levin, Thomas’ attorney, wrote in a statement. “Guiding this blind psychotic man to the gurney for execution offends our sense of humanity and serves no legitimate purpose,” he said.

Levin called Thomas “one of the most mentally ill prisoners in Texas history,” adding that “he is not competent to be executed, lacking a rational understanding of the state’s reason for his execution.” Yet, Thomas does understand why he is in prison.

Thomas landed behind bars after committing one of the most heinous crimes in Texas history in a suburbs outside of Dallas.

In 2004, Thomas was sentenced to death for fatally stabbing his estranged wife Laura Christine Boren, 20. He also killed their children -- a 4-year-old son Andre Lee and her 13-month-old daughter Leyha Marie Hughes. He cut the chikdren's hearts out.

He told a judge that God told him to kill his family because they were demon possessed.

Christian denominations from Pentacostal to Cathics largely support the death penalty in the United States.

However, more than 100 faith leaders and others have reportedly appealed to Gov. Greg Abbott for clemency in this situation.

Prosecutor J. Kerye Ashmore of the Grayson County District Attorney’s Office, said that the faith leaders supporting Thomad have not been fully informed about his mental state.

“None of these people know anything about the case. They are parroting what the defense has told them,” Ashmore said.

Fallon’s order gives Thomas’ attorneys until July 5 following an examination by experts.


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