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Let's talk critical race theory: The quarrel with it is about empirical data vs. real life

Conceptually, Critical Race Theory is not designed to turn races against each other but to enlighten all people about how racism is intertwined in policies that cause discrimination in society.

Controversy has erupted in school board meetings and in class rooms nationwide over teaching Critical Race Theory in grades K-12. It has turned into a political discussion that has liberals and conservatives, both Black and White clashing. Part of the problem is a lack of a fundamental understanding of the initial purpose of the subject, which was to provide historic truth and candid conversations around race, illuminating the structural damage of racism.

“Lo and behold the single most important issue to [them] right now is Critical Race Theory. Who knew that was the threat to our Republic?” Pres. Barack Obama

Why are many non-Blacks threatened by their children being taught Critical Race Theory (CRT) in school? What is it? There is no clear cut definition of Critical Race Theory as it has evolved over time. "CRT is an academic movement of civil rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice. Critical race theory examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism." That is the Wikipedia definition and it may be a definition posted by someone with a conservative view due to the reference to "mainstream liberal approaches." It is also likely the definition people run across when they Google the topic, unfortunately. The late Harvard Law professor Derrick Bell and several of his colleagues are credited with starting CRT over 40 years ago. One of the pioneers was Kimberle Crenshaw It has been a part of academic discourse on a college level, but in light of the discussion of racism in the media some scholars and teachers have posited that it should be taught in mainstream educational environments.

Critics tend to think that CRT pits Whites and Blacks against each other and staunchly deny that America is an inherently racist nation. In reality, CRT juxtaposes slavery and the present treatment of African Americans to White dominance in society as well as historically. The focus in debates on the subject matter is that racism in America is intrinsic. i.e., systemic, ultimately exposing that White dominance came about by means of ill-begotten power and financial gains.

Accepting this reality is crucial to understanding issues of fairness and equality pertaining to other areas where people are marginalized, such as discrimination against women, for example. Is women's equality also a subject that should not be addressed? The level of sensitivity is not about misguiding students or pushing false information on them. The fact is that America has both a racist and sexist past AND present. Those who are against students learning how we got to this point must ask themselves where education on this matter is to take place if not in a classroom.

There is more to it

In academia, the lines between studying real life experiences/events and recognizing the damaging emotional and psychosocial parts of those experiences can be blurred. Getting students to understand how laws and policies can be used to discriminate in the real life is at the heart of CRT. "In truth, the divides are not nearly as neat as they may seem. The events of the last decade have increased public awareness about things like housing segregation, the impacts of criminal justice policy in the 1990s, and the legacy of enslavement on Black Americans. But there is much less consensus on what the government’s role should be in righting these past wrongs. Add children and schooling into the mix and the debate becomes especially volatile," writes Jeanne Kuang in an article titled "What is Critical Race Theory and Why Is It Under Attack?"

CRT also points out the unconscious biases that perpetuate racism. The absence of this teaching in classrooms

Former Res. Barack Obama asked in an interview with Andersen Cooper, who knew that critical race theory was a threat to our Democracy.

A conservative parent's reaction to the thought of the subject being taught falsely asserted that, "Critical race theory is an ideology so radical, those in favor of it are treating it as their religion. They want to protect it so much that they will attack and intimidate parents like me into silence."

Conservatice politicians like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio have ma

Examples of the School to prison Pipeline t


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