A small amount of teens have complained of heart issues after receiving the Coronavirus causing the CDC to investigate the cause. Some adults and children have also experienced inflammation issues after receiving the shot.
June 11, 2021
Updated at 8:15 PM
PLUS. . .
The CDC is considering offering the Coronavirus to all children, but the FDA has reservations. The two groups have been discussing next steps to keep the U.S. population safe from the Coronavirus in the on-going pandemic. While Dr. Paul Offit, a top advisor to the Food and Drug Administration on children’s vaccines, told the agency he believes children should be vaccinated on Thursday, some FDA doctors are against it citing issues with internal inflammation. Data from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that nearly 4 million children have tested positive for Coronavirus. Offit notes that 300 children have died from COVID-19 and with the increase in variants recommends children get the shot to aid in population immunity.
COVID-19 vaccines go through many tests for safety and effectiveness and are then monitored closely.
Source: World Health Organization
Get Vaccine Info
The Pfizer Coronavirus vaccine is now available to children.
A decision by the Immunization Advisory Council has taken some of the worry off of parents sending their children to summer camps this summer. The age for vaccine eligibility was officially lowered to 12-15 following a review by an independent group of medical experts. The CDC and FDA both have approved use of the shot. Pres. Joe Biden responded to the news with a post urging Americans to get their adolescents to the nearest vaccine site by visiting vaccines.gov.
CDC DIRECTOR DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY: "This official CDC action opens vaccination to approximately 17 million adolescents in the United States and strengthens our nation’s efforts to protect even more people from the effects of COVID-19."
An added convenience for children is that they can also get their regular shots update when they take the Coronavirus vaccine. Previously, doctors warned against taking any other vaccines within two weeks of getting the COVID-19 shot.
The idea to have the COVID-19 shot available just like any other required childhood immunization has been floated around. This