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TSA suspends mask mandate

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

By Mona Austin

Travelers are no longer required to wear masks on flights after the TSA suspended the mandate on Monday.

For over a year, during air travel and on public transportation -- including buses and trains -- passengers had no other option but to wear masks or be left behind, under the CDC's strict COVD-19 guidelines. The TSA said the rescinded policy is “effective immediately” after Florida's U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled that the CDC does not have the authority to keep the public transportation mask mandate in place, the Associated Press reported.

When asked about the change in a press briefing on April 18, which is the date that TSA intended to end the man White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the judge's decision was disappointing and the CDC “continues recommending wearing a mask in public transit.”

What you should know before booking a flight

Realzing adjustments may be necessary during this transition period some airlines released statements asking for patience and understanding until not wearing masks while traveling is normal again. Not everyone will reiceve the news of the policy change at the same time, which could cause confusion.

United Airlines tweeted, if you are more comfortable keeping your mask on "go right ahead."

In a statement, American noted the same practices may not fly in other countries writing, "face masks will no longer be required for our customers and team members at U.S. airports and on domestic flights. Please note face masks may still be required based on local ordinances, or when traveling to/from certain international locations based on country requirements." American is also leaving up to customers and team members "to continue to wear masks at their own discretion." Delta Airlines agrees.

Southwet airlines said, “We encourage individuals to make the best decision to support their personal wellbeing.”

THe information that each airlines entity shared may take some tie to sink in. Travelers are encouraged to check the respective web sites for the airline of their choice concerning mask-wearing expectations for forien vs. domestic travel when making plans.


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