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U.S. management of the Haitian humanitarian crisis at the border next steps


Alejandro Mayorkas, Head of Homeland Security said in a Senate hearing that the Biden Administration will clear out thousands of Haitians that have taken residence at the southern U.S. border over the next 10 days. Mayorkas had stated on Monday that the journey of people entering the country illegally would not succeed. Two U.S. officals speaking under the condirtion of anonymity told the AP thousands have already been released into the U.S. An estimated 15,000 migrants are living in saulor at the Del Rio, TX border. A steel border has been erected to deter more from crossing over from Mexico. Since Sunday, as of Tuesday, 1,083 asylum seekers were returned to the ravaged island nation on flights.

Americans are concerned about authorities allowing groups in without proper procedures during the pandemic and opening the border potentially to criminals. Press Sec. Jen Psaki said that COVID-19 tests and vaccines are being administered and geo-tracking is a part of the processings. The U;S. response has been condemned by civil rights groups as inhumane.

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