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US pledges stronger weapons, more funds to Ukraine during Zelenskyy's secret visit to Washington

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

ABOVE: Pres. Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill biden welcome Volodymyr Zelenskyy as he arrives for a press conference at the White House with U.S. Pres. Joseph R. Biden on Dec. 21, 2022. (Photo by Mona Austin for The Slice News)

By Mona Austin

The U.S. has stepped up its efforts to support the Ukrainian war efforts with stronger weapons and more funding.

Wreaths on the South lawn facing balcony of the White House, where a secure SUV dropped off Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, are a reminder that war is still raging at Christmas time. The holiday decor stands in contrast to the brazen imagery of Russia's war of attrition against Ukraine that has lasted for 300 days as of this visit. Zelensky's Dec. 21 arrival. the date of the Winter solstice in the United States, symbolizes the coldness Russian leader Vladmir Putin has toward peace.

Zelenskyy made the secret trip on a U.S. military aircraft to express appreciation to America for underwriting his country in battle and to seek more funding for a fight that has raged on longer than either side expected.

Putin has wrapped the wrath of his country's already bitter Winter around the war, depriving Ukranians of heat and light. The figting has frozen Christmas for the children and familes of Ukraine. Pres. Joe Biden said Putin "escalated his assault on civilians after hitting schools, orphanages, hospitals, landmarks. . . he’s trying to use winter as a weapon."

In a battle of might versus will, Ukranian soldiers have managed to stop their adversary from seizing the country for almost a year.

Pres. Biden invited the embattled president to the U.S.. welcoming him as a hero. Zelenskyy's journey to Washingtton was the first known trip outside of his country since the war started.

Zelenskyy said he wanted to come earlier but couldn't because of the "difficult situation" but offered that the fact he was now here meant that "the situation is under control because of your support."

"It's a great honor for me to be here,' he said in a bi-lateral press conference with the president.

Said Biden, in justifying sustained support from the U.S.: "We should be clear about what Russia is doing. It is purposefully attacking Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, destroying the systems that provide heat and light to the Ukrainian people during the coldest, darkest part of the year. Russia is using winter as a weapon -- freezing people, starving people, cutting them off from one another.

It’s the latest example of the outrageous atrocities that Russian forces are committing against innocent Ukrainian civilians -- children and their families."

Commending his leadership, Pres. Joe Biden re-affirmed the U.S. stands with Zelenskyy and Ukraine. When Zelenskyy seemed to be at a loss on how to characterize Putin's attack, Pres. Biden interjected saying, "I think we have the -- we share the exact same vision, and that a free, independent, prosperous, and secure Ukraine is the vision.

We both want this war to end. We both want it to end. And as I've said, it could end today if Putin had any dignity at all and did the right thing and just said -- pulled out."

The U.S. is delivering two more "gifts in the form of a new package of security assitance " to the the brave Eastern European country. First, Biden officially announced the U.S. will donate patriot missiles to fend off attacks from Russia. The missiles are more advanced weaponry, used for defensive purposes, not to attack. They are designed to intercept incoming bombs fromt the air.

The second "gift" to Ukraine is additional fundng. The Biden Administration had set aside $45 billion for the Ukrainian cause in an omnibus package Congress was set to vote on Wednesday evening.

Mr. Ze;enskyy gave advamnce a[reciation for the nezxt rounf of fundinging: "Thank you, Mr. President, for $45 billion, because this is a big assistance, and I hope that the Congress will approve this financial assistance for our country. This is almost $45 billion. Thank you very much for the support."

On top of what the U.S. is already spending the new war funding amount totaled $1.9 billion.

The Ukranian leader expressed that he beleives the support will strengthen of global security as Russia assaults are terroritic in nature.

Some Republicans disagree with the U.S. seeming to have an open account for Ukraine and have ridiculed Zelenskyy, who was selected as the Time Magazine "Man of the Year" for constantly asking for more. The U.S. is the country's biggest donor and will continue supporting Ukraine Press Secretary Karine jean Pierre said in a statement "for as long as it takes."

Valodymyr Zelenskyy, leader of Ukraine
White house East Room - Dec. 21, 2022: Valodymyr Zelensky ptovides an uopdate on Ukraine on the 300th day since Russia's attack..

Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Message to The United States

My message: I wish you peace. I think that is the main thing, and you understand it only when the war in your country, when somebody like these terrorists from Russia come to your houses. And I wish you to see your children alive and adult. And I wish you to see your children when they will go to universities, and to see their children. I -- I think that is the main thing what I can wish you.

Zelenskyy, who wore green, casual military attire, did not come empty handed. In a conversation before their bilateral meeting, he presented military token of merit to Biden from a Ukrainian solider. A day earlier he had been on the frontlines of Bakhmut where a captain of a HIMAR battery named Pavlo asked him to pass on his award to President Biden: "He said 'Give it to the very brave President'."The award is the cross for military merit according to Zelenskyy.

Biden responded: "Undeserved but much appreciated" and said he would give the Captain a Command Coin.

The support Biden pledged comes as the war enters a new phase and the U.S. Congress prepares to transition into a new session of leadership. With Republicans growing impatient with the spendng connected to this war effort and House Republicans gaining control in the new Congress, spending may be more conservative.

This historic visit is the first time Zelensky has traveled outside of his country since the war began in February of 2022. The U.S. is an unwavering supporter in principle and financially, having provided more financial and weapons resources than any other ally. ESsentially, the U.S. US financing Pu Zelensky first visited Biden in 2021 upon the anniversary of Ukraines's independence.


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