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G7 WATCH: US signs New Atlantic Charter with UK to revitalize post-Brexit relations

Pres. Joe Biden seeks to reset the image of America in his first international visit for the G7 Summit in Cornwell, England.

Pres. Biden and Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday sign the New Atlantic Charter originally signed by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt for a post-Brexit reset on diplomacy between the two ally nations. The charter is a recommitment to moving forward together as world leaders. In the update pact the two men made commitments to 8 areas of shared interest including economic ties, climate change and health care. Biden's gesture is a reminder to the world that the United States values diplomacy and is willing to cooperate with like-minded nation. It was also an opportunity for Biden to start a clean slate after the Trump-era.

PM Johnson used the Biden campaign slogan "Build Back Better" in his opening remarks at G7. He also mentioned the importance if working on climate issues, a priority for democrats.

The summit has gotten off to a pleasant start with leaders greeting each other with elbow bumps instead of hand shakes with respect to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Next week Biden will meet with Russian leader Vladmir Putin. He has not

The details of the pact between the US and UK follows:

The New Atlantic Charter

Today, the President of the United States and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom reaffirm their commitment to work together to realise our vision for a more peaceful and prosperous future. Our revitalised Atlantic Charter, building on the commitments and aspirations set out eighty years ago, affirms our ongoing commitment to sustaining our enduring values and defending them against new and old challenges. We commit to working closely with all partners who share our democratic values and to countering the efforts of those who seek to undermine our alliances and institutions. First, we resolve to defend the principles, values, and institutions of democracy and open societies, which drive our own national strength and our alliances. We must ensure that democracies – starting with our own – can deliver on solving the critical challenges of our time. We will champion transparency, uphold the rule of law, and support civil society and independent media. We will also confront injustice and inequality and defend the inherent dignity and human rights of all individuals. Second, we intend to strengthen the institutions, laws, and norms that sustain international co-operation to adapt them to meet the new challenges of the 21st century, and guard against those that would undermine them. We will work through the rules-based international order to tackle global challenges together; embrace the promise and manage the peril of emerging technologies; promote economic advancement and the dignity of work; and enable open and fair trade between nations. Third, we remain united behind the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. We oppose interference through disinformation or other malign influences, including in elections, and reaffirm our commitment to debt transparency, sustainability and sound governance of debt relief. So too will we defend key principles such as freedom of navigation and overflight and other internationally lawful uses of the seas. Fourth, we resolve to harness and protect our innovative edge in science and technology to support our shared security and deliver jobs at home; to open new markets; to promote the development and deployment of new standards and technologies to support democratic values; to continue to invest in research into the biggest challenges facing the world; and to foster sustainable global development. Fifth, we affirm our shared responsibility for maintaining our collective security and international stability and resilience against the full spectrum of modern threats, including cyber threats. We have declared our nuclear deterrents to the defence of NATO and as long as there are nuclear weapons, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. Our NATO Allies and partners will always be able to count on us, even as they continue to strengthen their own national forces. We pledge to promote the framework of responsible State behaviour in cyberspace, arms control, disarmament, and proliferation prevention measures to reduce the risks of international conflict. We remain committed to countering terrorists who threaten our citizens and interests. Sixth, we commit to continue building an inclusive, fair, climate-friendly, sustainable, rules-based global economy for the 21st century. We will strengthen financial stability and transparency, fight corruption and illicit finance, and innovate and compete through high labour and environmental standards. Seventh, the world has reached a critical point where it must act urgently and ambitiously to tackle the climate crisis, protect biodiversity, and sustain nature. Our countries will prioritise these issues in all our international action. Eighth, we recognise the catastrophic impact of health crises, and the global good in strengthening our collective defences against health threats. We commit to continuing to collaborate to strengthen health systems and advance our health protections, and to assist others to do the same. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Boris Johnson, M.P. June 10, 2021

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