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Vice Pres. Kamala Harris announces historic solar investment in Georgia

Ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris's visit to Dalton, GA. visit to Qcells, which is an expanding solar panel manufacturing plant, in Northwest Georgia applauded to transformation for job growth.

This investment is expected to harner 2500 jobs. 1.2 giga watts of solar power to get over 140 Illinois, Maryland and Maine will be impacted forst and the implementation will be done by the end if the year. A durable supply chain is developing because of the growth of solar products and their increased use in homes. "We are creating demand fir products made in the US. The results are clear," he said.

Pres. Joe Biden has a vision to turn America into a global energy powerhouse a staffer said. This transformation is the "product of his leadership." Solar power saves atv least

The pro-climate action the largest community solar purchase in history. Efforts that bolster a clean energy economy like this are supported by the Inflation Reduction Act and is a part if the Investing in America Tour.

Georgia has received billions in investments in for manufacturing electric vehicles and energy efficient efforts. These efforts continue the Viden Admikistrstion scommitmwnt to environmental justice. The geography if opportunitybreaches every single zip code. "The clean energy economy is a boom fir blue collar workers," said senior White House Official, saying it pulls from diverse areas.

The manufacturing benefit included in the tax credit in the Inflation Reduction Act. ONE third of the solar panels have been installed during the last two years of the Biden Administartion. It is the biggest investment in rural solar demand. They are seeing interest in low income communities.

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