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WH Press Briefing notes from 2-16

Press Secretary Jen Psaki conducted the daily White house briefing on Wednesday

UPDATE ON SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SELECTION: Pres. Biden believes it is a problem with past processes and is looking forward to announcing the first Black Supreme Court Justice soon, Jen Psaki said in Wednesday's press briefing when asked about some claiming the selection of a Black woman is racist. There has never been a Black woman on the bench in the over 200 year history of the court.

Psaki was asked several intelligence questions about the intention of Russia to invade Ukraine. As a rule she reiterated she would not get into discussing intelligence matters. U.S. officials have wrongly forecasted that Russia could strike today and an attack was imminent over the last week and nothing has happened. Asked if The WH feels Russia is bluffing her response was we continue to do things to keep the worlds eyes open, conveying there is a distrust in how Putin in operating.

Jen also said it is unlikely she will share when the president completes interviews with Supreme Court prospects.

On cancelling student loan debt: Pres. would be willing to sign the bill into law she said.

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