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What is in Biden's Build Back Better Bill?

Fresh off a trip to his hometown of Scranton, PA Pres. Joe Biden will participated in a CNN Town Hall hosted by Anderson Cooper on a Thursday evneing to continue to pitch his Build Back Better plan to the Amerincan people. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will aims to make a generational investment in America through long overdue imprvementa dn cost savings on a range of areas. The hardest part f the negotiantions has been getting moderate democrats to agree on a top line number. Biden has cut the amount to get the bill aproved by the caucaus contimues to be divided on finite details. The White House has outlined the president's vision and the corst thusly:

Roads and Bridges:

· In Maryland there are 273 bridges and over 2,200 miles of highway in poor condition.

· Based on formula funding alone, Maryland will receive $4.1 billion for federal-aid highways and $409 million for bridges.

Public Transportation:

· Maryland residents who take public transportation spend an extra 66% of their time commuting. More than 1 in 5 transit vehicles in the state are past useful life.

· Based on formula funding alone, Maryland will receive at least $1.7 billion to improve public transportation options.

High-Speed Internet:

· 11% of Maryland households do not have an internet subscription.

· Maryland will receive a minimum allocation of $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, including providing access to the more than 148,000 people in Maryland who currently lack it.


· Currently, up to 10 million American households and 400,000 schools and child care centers lack safe drinking water across the country.

· Maryland would expect to receive $844 million to improve water infrastructure.


· From 2010 to 2020, Maryland experienced 31 extreme weather events.

· BID includes a $50 billion national investment in resilience to strengthen our infrastructure for the impacts of climate change.

Impact of the Build Back Better Agenda (BBB) on Maryland

The Build Back Better Agenda will make life better for millions of working families in Maryland.

Child Care:

· The average two-parent household spends $12,300 to care for just one young child every year.

· The lack of affordable child care contributes to the 20% gender gap in workforce participation between mothers and fathers in Maryland.

· BBB cuts child care costs by more than half for most low-and middle-income Maryland residents and improves quality of child care.

Universal Pre-K:

· Only 31% of 3- and 4-year-olds in Maryland are enrolled in publicly-funded pre-school.

· BBB will offer free, high-quality pre-school to all 3- and 4- year-olds in Maryland, in the setting of a parent’s choice.

Tax Cuts for Families with Children and Childless Workers:

· 11% of children under the age of 18 in Maryland are considered poor.

· BBB’s Child Tax Credit extension will benefit more than 1.1 million children in Maryland, reducing child poverty by 34%.

· Before the Rescue Plan, low-income childless workers were taxed into poverty.

· BBB’s expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit for childless workers will benefit more than 263,000 workers in Maryland.

Higher Education:

· The average cost of a 2-year degree in Maryland is $4,800 per year.

· BBB will reduce the cost of college, expanding the maximum Pell Grant, supporting the more than 102,000 students in Maryland who rely on Pell for their education.


· 353,000 Maryland residents spend more than 30% of their income on rent.

· BBB will bolster affordable and resilient housing, supporting the construction or rehabilitation of more than one million homes.

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